Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 5: Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center, Pike's Peak, Garden of the Gods

The best way to describe Day 5 and Colorado Springs comes from a quote featured in Jerry McGuire:  "You had me from hello." The sites were breathtaking. The day started with a trip to the United States National Olympic Training Center. The Crew saw where US athletes trained in archery, weightlifting, swimming, and other sports. The Crew also received information about their training, living quarters, and who exactly is able to train at the center. 

After the Training Center, the Crew took a bus ride to the Cog Railroad where we would ride a train 8.9 miles up to Pike's Peak. Pictures above were witnessed as we ascended and descended the mountain of over 14000 feet. Various trees, animals, and views were witnessed on this ride.  At the summit of Pike's Peak, the Crew "jumped" for joy as they celebrated the views, were off the cog train, and were able to get the world famous doughnuts!

On the return we had a brief visit to the Garden of the Gods. The background of the picture is of the famous rock formation "kissing camels." A dinner on their own and a good night's sleep capped Day 5. Stay tuned as we continue our Colorado journey. Signing off GWT!

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